Lead Purple is a registered non-profit organisation (NPO) [NPO 252-482] that has been active in the communities of Noordgesig, Riverlea and Westbury since 2015. We have worked with the Noordgesig Secondary School and in different churches within the Noordgesig community. We aim to support the primary victims of abuse, the secondary victims which include families and loved ones of primary victims, as well as communities in which abuse is prevalent through a variety of services. Our services are strongly geared towards the support and empowerment of victims of gender-based violence. 


Currently, the bulk of our work is done through a group of women in the Noordgesig community; the Noordgesig Gender-Based Support Group. The purpose of our work in this group is twofold. Firstly we aim to empower the women in the group through their personal development. Secondly, we aim to empower the community through the development of small businesses and related community work of the women who are part of the Noordgesig Gender-Based Support Group. Our services include education, transformation, advocacy, and healing work. 

Meet our team